Labrador Retrievers
There is a reason that the Labrador Retriever is and has been for years the number one breed listed by the American Kennel Club, (the breed that has the most dogs in the registration), ie: more people own Labs than other breeds. They are great dogs and make wonderful Working Dogs. In fact, a Lab needs a job. They are happier with a job. Hunting, Seeing Eye Dogs, Search & Rescue, Pulling a Wagon, Backpacking, Tracking, Flyball, Frisbee, Conformational or Obedience Show Ring, whatever you teach them, they are versatile and wonderful dog.
People ask me my favorite breed of dog... I have several. Labrador Retrievers are among the top of that list for sure! I have owned nine & 1/2. I have worked with them, trained them, competed with them, bred them. The breed certainly a good one for families or the single person to own one or more of.
Labs are easy to train, love to be with their people or any people. They love to show off. And Man Oh Man! They have personalities that anyone can see! But I probably do not have to tell you this, anyone reading this, has either owned a Labrador Retriever or knows someone or several people that does/do.
I wish I had more photos of my Labrador Retrievers. We lost our photos and books and many of our records in Black Mold. It is so sad not to have those photos to hold and look at the great animals we have owned, trained and competed with.
Deron did not know how much he like Labs until he and started running dogs together. Even if you do not like Labs, they have a way of winning you over. Even I, a Lab Lover, was not impressed with them for many year. I thought they were big dumb looking dogs for hunting.....and they are. But DANG! did I learn how much more too. Dumb looking? No, soft looking. My Labs did everything. Anything I asked and more. They were good housedogs/guard dogs, well, barked when people came to the door.
This is a photo of Marty. His mother was Marna's Merry Mary. She was a dog of all dogs! She could do it all. You could show that dog a trick and she would not have to be shown again, she would just do the trick. She was my lead dog on my sled dog team, she competed in Frisbee, Weight Pull, Sled Dog Races and Performed in many Trick Shows and Demonstrations for Scouts, Schools, Old Folks Homes, Churches, gosh all over the place. She won a few Best Trick Competitions and that with many other dogs competing.
I had five that ran in my Sled Dog Team, Performed in a Trick Troupe, Weight Pulled, Competed in Frisbee Events, and on and on. My dogs also Backpacked at least 15 miles a week, every week for years.
I was not the first, nor will I be the last, to race a team of Labrador Retrievers. And my Labs, who were, as we say in "the dog circles", "nothing out of nobody". In other words, they were just dogs I bought each somewhere different, not out of any working dogs, not from some High Floutin'" big name kennel. Just dogs I bought. But I won a few races, placed well in others, always had a well behaved team, that was well groomed and dressed nice. <smiles>
I could go on and on and on and on about my Labradors Retrievers. I could brag and bore you. Labs are such wonderful, smart, easy to be with, easy to train dogs, just about anyone that is going to spend the time can own one that would be a dog friends and family don't just love to be around, they wished they owned your dog!
Is a Labrador Retriever for you? Labs are great dogs. If you do your research, and are a person that is going to train your dog, make sure it gets out and about, socialized and excersized, if you are looking for a breed you can do about anything with, yes, a Labrador Retriever might be the breed you are looking for. Do you already own one? Congrats and have fun!
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-- The Working Big Dogs Team Mon, 15 Jul 2013 10:50:53 -0400